About Us

Brent River College Primary short stay unit provides opportunities for children who have struggled to cope in the London Borough of Brent   mainstream schools to engage in education. We offer a short-term intervention (12-20 weeks depending on each pupil’s needs) for children in Year 1- Year 6, who finds mainstream school challenging and whose behaviour puts them at risk of exclusion or have been permanently excluded.

Brent River College Primary offers a nurturing learning environment in which children are enabled to make personal development through a range of interventions to support them to better manage their own emotions which hinders them from making progress both emotionally and academically.

The children acquire a new love of learning and are taught to take responsibility for their own behaviour through our holistic behaviour management strategies.

We work alongside mainstream schools through regular review meetings which would be followed by transitions when the pupils are ready to be reintegrated into their mainstream schools. The parents are a vital part of the intervention and we work closely together in order to support them with the pupils’ behaviour needs at home.

Pupils are taught literacy and numeracy as well as various topic based subjects such as Art, Music, P.E, Geography, History and Science.

We also have various interventions for individuals’ specific needs. We offer social skills. Emotional Literacy Support and social stories, Mentoring, Pogo Pulse, Boxing / Yoga, Drama, Apple’s Friends, Rugby, Construction, Music, Champ (four Square), Sign language and The Daily Mile.​

Belief...          Respect...          Integrity...          Vision...          Excellence...          Responsibility...           Courage...