BRC Easter Holiday Programme

During the Easter holidays, we held an exciting programme of activities at BRC for all of the students. The activity days consisted of Cooking, Arts, Boxing, Table Tennis, Air Hockey, Competitions, Movie afternoon as well as a Sports day at KS3 and a Drama day for the primary students. The programme was a real success with all of the students being certificated at the end of the week for their participation. The students particularly enjoyed the competitions as they got to compete against staff and the primary students loved their Easter egg hunt too! Our Drama tutors came in to deliver a day of drama which led to a production at the end of the week performed by the primary students – This was a real success! They made their own props and costumes. The KS4 students enjoyed boxing sessions and studio time which took place alongside their revision mornings.

Belief...          Respect...          Integrity...          Vision...          Excellence...          Responsibility...           Courage...